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08.00 PM
Nach der Party
Die DREIsten
Obere Mühle


Internationaler Museumstag auf dem Ballenberg
Freilichtmuseum der Schweiz, Ballenberg


Nach der Party
Die DREIsten
Obere Mühle


Im Château, Der 16. Fall für Bruno, Chef de Police…
Martin Walker


Mitteilung 2024-05-13 [«Viceversa Literatur 18»]: Das «Viceversa Literatur» ist zum 18. Mal erschienen!


Mitteilung 2024-05-10 [Felix Uhlmann «Der letzte Stand des Irrtums»]: Dominik Müller bespricht Felix Uhlmanns «Der letzte Stand des Irrtums» für


Mitteilung 2024-05-07 [Solothurner Literaturtage]: Diesen Freitag ist es wieder so weit – die Solothurn Literaturtage beginnen.


Mitteilung 2024-04-30 [Anna Stern «blau der wind, schwarz die nacht»]: Tobias Lambrecht bespricht Anna Sterns neuen Roman «blau der wind, schwarz die nacht» auf


Mitteilung 2024-04-22 [Die Frauen der Gruppe 47 – Literaturhaus Basel]: Im Literaturhaus dreht sich am 24.4.24 alles um die Frauen der Gruppe 47. Und darum, warum sie heute so gut wie vergessen sind.


Mitteilung 2024-04-18 [Literatur Parade Turin]: Deutschsprachige Literatur als Ehrengast der Internationalen Buchmesse in Turin.

Reading tip

Massimo Gezzi, Il numero dei vivi: Six years after his collection «L’attimo dopo», Massimo Gezzi, with «The Living», has reached a new stage in his poetic journey. If, in his previous work, the influence of certain poets was evident - Eugenio Montale and Vittorio Sereni, for example, as well as Fabio Pusterla – in «The Living», such influences are less pronounced, and Gezzi comes fully into his own with poems that tend progressively towards prose.

Reading tip

Marie-Jeanne Urech, Le syndrome de la tête qui tombe: Down in the basement, the faceless workers sit and perform dull tasks. People have become mute cogs in a machine, all of which answer to the name «Blanchard». Only their title indicates their level in the hierarchy. Over them reigns «our most brilliant and pantheonic exalted highness.... beloved Mr Blanchard». One of these basement inhabitants is Arthur Bellange, who spends all day every day plotting rising diagonal lines. The sharper the rise, the greater the company's success. Unlike his colleagues, Bellange retains a spark of self-will, remembering his real name and taking the day off on Sundays. Such individuals are not punished. The company is no dictatorship, it simply deals in the daily grind. «Le Syndrome de la tête qui tombe» depicts an absurd, superficial world in which Kafka meets Orwell – all for the success of the company. It is hard to imagine a more wickedly comical portrayal of the trading business. Marie-Jeanne Urech has created a wonderfully irreverent parable which she gradually brings to light in sober, precise language. When Mr Bellange starts drawing dainty trees instead of straight lines, the business goes under. (Beat Mazenauer, trans. by Andrea Willfratt)

Reading tip

Nicolas Couchepin, Les Mensch: The Mensches are a completely ordinary family. They live in an ordinary part of town, worry about the usual things and hope for what everyone hopes for. Theo, the paterfamilias, is worried about growing old. Muriel, his wife, frets that she isn’t the perfect mother. Marie, their daughter, has discovered that she won’t live forever. And Simon, her younger brother, is mentally handicapped: he longs to be independent, which can’t happen.

New releases

Christoph Santner: Alles KI?. Goldmann.

New releases

Hanspeter Spörri: Steff Signer. Die musikalische Biografie: Ein Stück Schweizer Rock-, Pop- und Highmatt-Geschichte. Appenzeller Verlag.


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