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Konradstr. 61
8031 Zürich
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The independent Swiss literary portal is a project of the Verein LiteraturSchweiz
Concept: Association SwissLiterature, Beat Mazenauer
Web Design and Conceptualisation: Beat Mazenauer, Urs Hofer
Coding: Urs Hofer
Communication: Gregor Szyndler
Graphic Design: Urs Lehni
Logo: Velvet Creative Office
Translation of the website: Marielle Larré (F), Anna Allenbach (I), Anja Hälg (E) and Lia Rumantscha (RR)
Photos: Velvet Creative Office (12 Swiss Books), Sébastien Agnetti / Studio Wolf (Swiss literary awards), Christine Tresch (SIKJM-Books), Beat Mazenauer (all other).