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07.00 PM
Weil die Wunden Vögel werden. Landschaften der Ukr…
Artur Dron, Anatolij Dnistrowyj, Alexander Kratoch…
Literaturhaus Basel


07.00 PM
Buchpräsentation: «Man kann die Liebe nicht stärke…
Oliver Fischer
Buchhandlung Weyermann & Queerbooks


07.30 PM
Zora del Buono
Kantonsbibliothek Baselland


07.45 PM
Residenzabend mit Deniz Ohde
Aargauer Literaturhaus Lenzburg, AMSEL, Klagenfurt…
Aargauer Literaturhaus Lenzburg


Mitteilung 2024-07-12 [«Topshelf Night» Schloss Lenzburg]: Eine Sommernacht zwischen Lichtern und Stars, die ganz der Literatur und dem Lesen gehört! Und Bookstagram! Und BookTok!


Mitteilung 2024-06-26 [Bachmann-Preis]: Statt Fussball 3 Tage lang Literatur gucken: Heute starten die diesjährigen «Tage der deutschsprachigen Literatur».


Mitteilung 2024-06-24 [Pro Litteris Preis 24 – Sasha Filipenko & Maud Mabillard]: ProLitteris verleiht zwei Preise in der Sparte Literatur an Sasha Filipenko und Maud Mabillard.


Mitteilung 2024-06-21 [Literaturfestival Zürich]: Nicht verpassen: Vom 8.-14.7.24 steigt wieder das Literaturfestival Zürich.


Mitteilung 2024-06-17 [Stiftung Lydia Eymann Literaturstipendium]: Bis 30.6.24 bewerben fürs Stipendium der Lydia Eymann Stiftung.


Mitteilung 2024-06-11 [Markus Bundi «Wilde Tiere»]: Beat Mazenauer bespricht «Wilde Tiere» von Markus Bundi für

Reading tip

Katharina Geiser, Diese Gezeiten: In 1940 the German armed forces occupied the Channel Island of Jersey to the dismay of two artists who had settled there some time previously in order to escape the unrest in Paris. The Nazis' conduct is comparatively restrained but the dictatorship and discrimination are omnipresent, so Lucy Schwob and Suzette Malherbe begin to resist. They design posters and display them in public – until they are found out. Katharina Geiser's novel takes up this astonishing subject matter and weaves an atmospheric and very convincing story. The narrative tells of personal courage and the price to pay for it. It is its subtle nuances that make this novel. Not all of the inhabitants of Jersey were courageous, and not all Germans were despicable henchmen. Some «saw and heard nothing». Geiser imagines what happens to the two friends after their arrest. The voice of the narrator blends with the inner voices of Lucy and Suzanne in a delicately orchestrated narrative. They remain faithful to their strategy even in moments of danger by resisting the Germans through wordplay. This does not stop them being sentenced to death, but the end of the war chases the Germans from the island just in time. (Beat Mazenauer, trans. by Andrea Willfratt)

Reading tip

Ruth Schweikert, Augen zu: To really appreciate Ruth Schweikert's novel, it needs to be read from beginning to end - and that is no exaggeration. The first sentences unleash a stylistic furioso. Under the heading «Vorausgesetzt» (Given that..) a woman's life is set down on one and a half pages in a few striking lines as the despairing search for «verboten viel Glück» (a forbidden amount of happiness) is inevitably swallowed up by the cursed machinery of everyday life. «Augen zu» is a mature, powerfully written novel. Woven into a complex narrative structure are the stories of single mothers, fatherless children and relationships that break down under the weight of expectations and lost illusions. Two unsettled souls cross paths. Journalist Raoul with his Jewish roots and Aleks from a suffocatingly normal background from which he has been trying to free himself his whole life, «ohne irgendwo eine Spur zu hinterlassen» (without leaving any trace). At first glance, there is no logic to Schweikert's novel. People and events seem to pop up at random. In spite of this fragility, the novel has a coherence that comes from a finely balanced inner logic. Turning thirty, Alex mulls over the blows love has dealt him with a bitter irony. In this novel full of bitter and sometimes ironic undertones, Schweikert defiantly allows herself a positive note of confidence only at the end, hinting that love is not only about disappointment and bad blood. (Beat Mazenauer, trans. by Andreas Mason)

Reading tip

Catherine Louis, Liu and the Bird: In a dream, Liu is visited by a bird – and she sees her grandfather. The next day, the little Chinese girl decides to look for him, letting herself be guided by signs: down by the river she receives a charred staff, the river leads her through the forest and the tip of the thrown staff shows her the way through the fields. A woman shares her meal with Liu, and a man sitting under a tree calls her attention to the bird on top of the mountains. When Liu reaches the summit, the bird is long gone, but its tracks in the snow and a feather lead her to an old man in the bamboo forest, who shows Liu the shortcut to her grandfather’s house. He, in turn, has been expecting her, since he heard the voice of love from afar. With a large brush that Liu receives from him, the girl paints her path up to where the bird was. Just as she finishes, the bird frees itself from the page and flies off across the land ...

New releases

Patrick Greiner: Der Teufel von Luzern. Emons Verlag.

New releases

Eveline Hasler: Anna Göldin. Die letzte Hexe. Nagel und Kimche.


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