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Aargauer Literaturhaus Lenzburg
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Mitteilung 2024-06-26 [Bachmann-Preis]: Statt Fussball 3 Tage lang Literatur gucken: Heute starten die diesjährigen «Tage der deutschsprachigen Literatur».
Mitteilung 2024-06-24 [Pro Litteris Preis 24 – Sasha Filipenko & Maud Mabillard]: ProLitteris verleiht zwei Preise in der Sparte Literatur an Sasha Filipenko und Maud Mabillard.
Mitteilung 2024-06-21 [Literaturfestival Zürich]: Nicht verpassen: Vom 8.-14.7.24 steigt wieder das Literaturfestival Zürich.
Mitteilung 2024-06-17 [Stiftung Lydia Eymann Literaturstipendium]: Bis 30.6.24 bewerben fürs Stipendium der Lydia Eymann Stiftung.
Mitteilung 2024-06-11 [Markus Bundi «Wilde Tiere»]: Beat Mazenauer bespricht «Wilde Tiere» von Markus Bundi für
Ernst Burren, Schneewauzer: Ernst Burren comes from Oberdorf in Canton Solothurn, where he was born and still lives. The town remains a source of material and language for the writer. The son of an innkeeper, he spent his childhood listening to people’s stories in the «Beiz» (Swiss-German dialect for restaurant). This casual to-and-fro is the wavelength one tunes into when reading Burren’s texts. The author, who writes and publishes his work exclusively in dialect, is one of the most significant and productive authors of the genre. In his confrontation with the work of Kurt Marti and Eugen Gomringer, Ernst Burren is considered as a new voice in Swiss dialect literature, as the publication of his first collection of poetry «derfür und derwider» in 1970 showed. His novel «Schneewauzer» is a dialect narrative typical of Burren, who employs all the possibilities of everyday life in Swiss society: for example in the story of company meeting to plan a celebration, which he tells from the perspective of a cleaning lady. The author arranges his stories using inner monologues, thereby underscoring the disruptions and inconsistencies that underlie apparently simple discussions, which become increasingly dubious in Burren’s literary representation of them. His protagonists are men and women, «simple folk», who chat or engage in monologues about the things that concern them in their everyday lives. Through the outwardly simple language, empty sayings and clichéd expressions the reader suddenly becomes aware of underlying human tragedies and existential predicaments. Nevertheless, Burren’s narratives never fail to see the funny side, even if the laughter sometimes catches in your throat. (Rudolf Probst, transl. by Andrea Mason Willfratt)
Alexandre Friederich, Ogrorog: Some like to travel on foot, but Alexandre Friederich prefers his bicycle. In his short, charming novel 'Ogrorog' he recounts a cycling tour across France, from the Jura mountains to the Atlantic coast, beginning in a small village in the Department of Ain, southwest of Geneva, and ending in Gers, in the Midi-Pyrénées region of southern France. The important thing is not the destination, but the journey itself, which takes him through regions that are often wet, noisy, and at times simply unpleasant. It is autumn. The travelling cyclist is en route through open countryside, among animals and nature, often chatting to the people he meets along the way. In the villages, he asks for bread or a place to spend the night, leading to experiences both pleasant and unpleasant. His journey is always full of suprises. Throughout 'Ogrorog', Alexandre Friederich shows his talent for detailed observation. The proximity of nature inspires him to reflect on the urbanisation of the landscape and the steady spread of suburban sprawl, prompted by the changing state of the forest, which he explores on this cycling tour: "I want to see where it is. Whether it is. Each time I find a forest, I will visit it, trespass through it." The forest – which "begins where the city ends, where politics ends" – has always been a place for society's outsiders, a place of refuge. (Martin Zingg, trans. by Marcy Goldberg) Recommended for translation by the Swiss Art Council Pro Helvetia:
Sandra Hughes, Lee Gustavo: Boom! Blackout. Just as unexpectedly as the meteorite hits Lee Gustavo’s head in the first paragraph author Sandra Hughes’ book appeared. Knocked out by the stray meteorite the protagonist lies in the hospital and wanders around in her own memories from which we gradually recognise the image of a rascal at the margins of society. Jobs of all kind sketch a rather bohemian biography. One of her dimensions which holds a diabolic temptation is set on her father’s side in Brazil. Lee answers the accusation of her father and avenges his sad suicide. "Lee Gustavo" is an impressive debut in which the adventurous intrepidity of the heroine is reflected in the language of the book. Sandra Hughes found a smooth and light narration that wittily describes a recalcitrant attitude towards life and reigns in the chaos such that the meteorite could not possibly miss it. (Beat Mazenauer, transl. by Anja Hälg)
Daniel Frick: Globi bei der Müllabfuhr. Globi Verlag.
Roman Kurzmeyer: Sammlung Ricola. Gegenwart und Geschichte. Scheidegger & Spiess.
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