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07.30 PM
Die Spielerin
Isabelle Lehn
Weil die Wunden Vögel werden. Landschaften der Ukr…
Artur Dron, Anatolij Dnistrowyj, Alexander Kratoch…
Literaturhaus Basel
Buchpräsentation: «Man kann die Liebe nicht stärke…
Oliver Fischer
Buchhandlung Weyermann & Queerbooks
Zora del Buono
Kantonsbibliothek Baselland
Mitteilung 2024-07-12 [«Topshelf Night» Schloss Lenzburg]: Eine Sommernacht zwischen Lichtern und Stars, die ganz der Literatur und dem Lesen gehört! Und Bookstagram! Und BookTok!
Mitteilung 2024-06-26 [Bachmann-Preis]: Statt Fussball 3 Tage lang Literatur gucken: Heute starten die diesjährigen «Tage der deutschsprachigen Literatur».
Mitteilung 2024-06-24 [Pro Litteris Preis 24 – Sasha Filipenko & Maud Mabillard]: ProLitteris verleiht zwei Preise in der Sparte Literatur an Sasha Filipenko und Maud Mabillard.
Mitteilung 2024-06-21 [Literaturfestival Zürich]: Nicht verpassen: Vom 8.-14.7.24 steigt wieder das Literaturfestival Zürich.
Mitteilung 2024-06-17 [Stiftung Lydia Eymann Literaturstipendium]: Bis 30.6.24 bewerben fürs Stipendium der Lydia Eymann Stiftung.
Mitteilung 2024-06-11 [Markus Bundi «Wilde Tiere»]: Beat Mazenauer bespricht «Wilde Tiere» von Markus Bundi für
Martina Clavadetscher, The Invention of Disobedience:
Catherine Safonoff, Le Mineur et le Canari: Combining the lightness of everyday existence with the seriousness of traumatic memories and switching with a constant fluidity from one register to another, Safonoff’s novel has the elegance of a butterfly fluttering towards the depths of the human soul. An old lady suffering from depression seeks comfort from a psychoanalyst, with whom she immediately falls in impossible, enchanted love. Fantasy comes into play, but this narrative inspired by autobiographical events also casts an acutely lucid gaze on the world, its failings, its small joys and un-mendable wounds, and is ceaselessly tugged along by a self-deprecation that is at once humorous and melancholic. The tightrope walker is on the rope, moving ahead chapter by short chapter, and keeps us in suspense until the end, leaving a permanent smile on our lips: she doesn’t fall, and the reader is carried away on the narrative. (Jury selection of the Swiss Literature Prize, transl. by Andrea Mason Willfratt)
Birgit Kempker, Übung im Ertrinken. Iwan steht auf.: In 1998, Birgit Kempker caused a bit of a scandal with her book «Als ich das erste mal mit Cornelius Busch im Bett lag» (When I was in bed with Cornelius Busch for the first time). Cornelius Busch was offended and sued the author. She took revenge a year later with the sentence: «Bis ein Mann, der mit einer Frau im Bett lag, weggeübt ist, vergeht viele, für das Üben unerspriessliche Zeit». It is from the audio drama „Iwan steht auf“. Iwan experiences with his own body that getting up is an effort suitable for «giants». Iwan ducks out, he doesn’t want to get up like grown ups. Nevertheless, Birgit Kempker’s verbal garlands put him on his feet. Iwan’s getting up is preceded by an «Exercise in Drowning»: A word play in English and German against the fear of Hitchcock’s birds and sharks, but also of love and its loneliness. Birgit Kempker is an audio-poet who loves playing with paradoxes, quotations and twisted phrases. Her pieces for voices and sounds create their own linguistic patterns which substitute an associative sensuality for the production of sense. The two texts in this book and CD were conceptualised for the radio and therefore have a stronger effect when one listens to them. The audio version does not follow the script exactly. What is a dispersed print space in the book is staged as a sound piece for several voices on the CD. (Beat Mazenauer, transl. by Anja Hälg)
Joanna Yulla Kluge: David Pablo. lectorbooks.
Daniel Frick: Globi bei der Müllabfuhr. Globi Verlag.
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