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07.00 PM
Weil die Wunden Vögel werden. Landschaften der Ukr…
Artur Dron, Anatolij Dnistrowyj, Alexander Kratoch…
Literaturhaus Basel


07.00 PM
Buchpräsentation: «Man kann die Liebe nicht stärke…
Oliver Fischer
Buchhandlung Weyermann & Queerbooks


07.30 PM
Zora del Buono
Kantonsbibliothek Baselland


07.45 PM
Residenzabend mit Deniz Ohde
Aargauer Literaturhaus Lenzburg, AMSEL, Klagenfurt…
Aargauer Literaturhaus Lenzburg


Mitteilung 2024-07-12 [«Topshelf Night» Schloss Lenzburg]: Eine Sommernacht zwischen Lichtern und Stars, die ganz der Literatur und dem Lesen gehört! Und Bookstagram! Und BookTok!


Mitteilung 2024-06-26 [Bachmann-Preis]: Statt Fussball 3 Tage lang Literatur gucken: Heute starten die diesjährigen «Tage der deutschsprachigen Literatur».


Mitteilung 2024-06-24 [Pro Litteris Preis 24 – Sasha Filipenko & Maud Mabillard]: ProLitteris verleiht zwei Preise in der Sparte Literatur an Sasha Filipenko und Maud Mabillard.


Mitteilung 2024-06-21 [Literaturfestival Zürich]: Nicht verpassen: Vom 8.-14.7.24 steigt wieder das Literaturfestival Zürich.


Mitteilung 2024-06-17 [Stiftung Lydia Eymann Literaturstipendium]: Bis 30.6.24 bewerben fürs Stipendium der Lydia Eymann Stiftung.


Mitteilung 2024-06-11 [Markus Bundi «Wilde Tiere»]: Beat Mazenauer bespricht «Wilde Tiere» von Markus Bundi für

Reading tip

Felix Philipp Ingold, Gegengabe: Felix Philipp Ingold is author, translator and literary scholar all in one with a respectable body of work in all of these disciplines. His opulent volume «Gegengabe» (A Gift in Return) testifies this. In this book, Ingold appears as both a passionate and critical worker of words. He reflects on the craft of literature, on readings and he shares excerpts of his poetic creations. In long essays about Samuel Becket, about the «treason» of translation or about poetic «language design» he reveals himself as being a precise analyst for whom reading-writing-thinking forms an indivisible entity. One does not need to agree with him all the time, his arguments call for respect even where they provoke objection. Ingold’s unconditional preference is Classic Modernism. Between essays, poems and aphorisms the reader also gets a glimpse of more personal aspects in the form of dream scenes or walks around the quaint area of his residence in Romainmôtier. «Gegengabe» is an opalescent, stimulating and personal book of many forms. Page after page it awaits with poems, essayistic observations and remarkable anecdotes, thereby developing a strict poetic in which we can recognise the author himself. (Beat Mazenauer, transl. by Anja Hälg) See the full german version on .

Reading tip

Bern ist überall, Im Kairo: Under the name «Berne is everywhere», six authors and two musicians* joined forces to develop a label for fulminant, polyphonic spoken-word performances. Literature does not only belong in books but also onto the stage, is their motto. The first CD, recorded live at Café Kairo in Berne, gives an overview of the variety of voices and text forms the members of «Berne is everywhere» use. Verbal stunts, witty stories of the everyday, punch-lines very much to the point and refrains spoken in chorus chase each other through the programme. Language needs to be spoken out loud, as «language unfolds in one’s mouth,» the group writes in a manifesto. Accordingly, the language spoken in everyday life, i.e. dialect, is the common denominator. Such as when Guy Krneta asks where language comes from and how it how it finds the mouth, or when Beat Sterchi declines empty quotidian phrases to a swirling staccato. «Berne is everywhere» demonstrates splendidly what the spoken-word genre is capable of. Since their first CD, the group has built an astonishing career and has expanded to include French voices. Their musical and poetic performances enjoy astounding popularity. (Beat Mazenauer, translation by Simon Froehling) * Stefanie Grob, Guy Krneta, Pedro Lenz, Gerhard Meister, Michael Stauffer, Beat Sterchi; Adi Blum and Michael Pfeuti.

Reading tip

Giovanni Bonalumi, Gli ostaggi: There is no english translation of this title. to read the italian version of the reading tip.

New releases

Daniel Frick: Globi bei der Müllabfuhr. Globi Verlag.

New releases

Roman Kurzmeyer: Sammlung Ricola. Gegenwart und Geschichte. Scheidegger & Spiess.


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