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02.00 PM
Geschichtenfenster – lauschen und entdecken
Landesmuseum Zürich
03.00 PM
Geschichtenfenster – lauschen und entdecken
Landesmuseum Zürich
07.00 PM
Tabea Steiner mit dem Kollektiv HOT
Ostschweizer Literaturgespräch #18
St. Gallen
07.00 PM
Die Stickerin
Margrit Schriber
Bibliothek Buchs SG
Buchs SG
Mitteilung 2024-07-12 [«Topshelf Night» Schloss Lenzburg]: Eine Sommernacht zwischen Lichtern und Stars, die ganz der Literatur und dem Lesen gehört! Und Bookstagram! Und BookTok!
Mitteilung 2024-06-26 [Bachmann-Preis]: Statt Fussball 3 Tage lang Literatur gucken: Heute starten die diesjährigen «Tage der deutschsprachigen Literatur».
Mitteilung 2024-06-24 [Pro Litteris Preis 24 – Sasha Filipenko & Maud Mabillard]: ProLitteris verleiht zwei Preise in der Sparte Literatur an Sasha Filipenko und Maud Mabillard.
Mitteilung 2024-06-21 [Literaturfestival Zürich]: Nicht verpassen: Vom 8.-14.7.24 steigt wieder das Literaturfestival Zürich.
Mitteilung 2024-06-17 [Stiftung Lydia Eymann Literaturstipendium]: Bis 30.6.24 bewerben fürs Stipendium der Lydia Eymann Stiftung.
Mitteilung 2024-06-11 [Markus Bundi «Wilde Tiere»]: Beat Mazenauer bespricht «Wilde Tiere» von Markus Bundi für
Lorenz Pauli (Text), Kathrin Schärer (Ill.), mutig, mutig: Before the actual adventure even begins, the four protagonists leap out at us from the cover. Soon they reach the pond and have no idea what to get up to – yet. The frog, finally, has the dazzling idea: a contest – who is the bravest of them all? One by one, all four put their courage to the test and find out that these tests correspond to their own personalities: the mouse dives the length of the pond, the frog gobbles up an entire lily pad, the snail dares to leave its house for an entire circumnavigation and the sparrow ... Well, that is to remain a secret here. Let us only reveal that the otherwise very cheeky bird, just like its four friends, passes his personal test of courage. Lorenz Pauli has written a story in simple sequences that inspires children create their own dare. The way the text is constructed and especially the increasingly dynamic illustrations of Kathrin Schärer single out this picture book from the masses. The illustrator has a wide repertoire of graphic resources at her disposal, with which she either distends the story in crucial moments or enriches it with tiny details. No wonder one takes the swimming mouse, the sulky frog, the completely exhausted snail and the constantly humming and hawing sparrow into one’s heart from the first moment. (Barbara Jakob, translation by Simon Froehling)
Doris Lecher, Ich will Wurst: Timmy Tigerchild is one of those children who can provoke chaos because they plonk themselves down in the middle of the street and scream when they do not get what they want. What clamour is raised when Mum forgets Timmy’s sausage for the picnic! But the tantrum is to no avail. Neither Mum nor Dad will turn around. Instead, they hand Timmy the key to the flat and challenge him to get the sausage himself. And because Timmy does not want his siblings to think that he lacks the courage, he sets out for home.
Franz Hohler, Der Granitblock im Kino: A good children’s book can also be enjoyed by adults and Franz Hohler’s modern book of fairytales «Der Granitblock im Kino» is definitely one of these. The book is a fantastic read full of obscure ideas that turn the world upside-down in order to set things straight. Franz Hohler proves himself a smiling and artful teacher, who has a gift for bringing children and adults alike around to his way of looking at things. In an age when children all over the world learn English early to improve their job prospects, who would have guessed that «Made in Hong Kong» is in fact a greeting from a foreign land? Once upon a time there was a maggot (‹Made› in German) that was teased because it was smaller than the other maggots. To show everyone they were wrong to make fun, it decided to emigrate and try its luck in South-East Asia. It was very successful and established a toy factory making toys to be sold in Europe. On every toy it stamped a greeting to those back home: «Made (maggot) in Hong Kong». Today, however, this story has been forgotten. This is just one of the tales in «Der Granitblock im Kino». It is nice to go back to Hohler's stories from time to rediscover the absurdity of the way things really happened and, like Hohler’s chuckling block of granite, close the book with an exclamation of «well well, old friend!» (Beat Mazenauer, transl by Andreas Mason)
Charles Lewinsky: Melnitz (TB). Diogenes Verlag.
Bernhard Herold: Nationalpark Val Grande. Unterwegs in der Wildnis zwischen Domdossola und Lago Maggiore. Rotpunktverlag.
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